Mozzarella Pull tomorrow, folks! Stop by the MET anytime between 3 and 6. We will set you up with a little curd, some very hot water and instructions on making mozzarella. The making of mozzarella is said to date back to the beginning of the 15th century when it was simply called MOZZA. Now prepared almost exclusively from cow's milk, originally it was a buffalo milk cheese. There are two primary forms of mozzarella: fresh and aged. Fresh is often sold in a container filled with water. Its texture is soft, tender, delicate. Aged mozzarella is the form we commonly associate with pizza or buy pre-shredded from the store. The distinguishing characteristic of mozzarella is it's fillated or stringy dough. This quality makes it an especially entertaining cheese to eat. On a personal note my oldest daughter can consume her body weight in fresh mozzarella. She does her Italian heritage proud.
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